Hypnotherapy Services for Adults, Teens, and  Children

  • Session Format: Individual
  • Demographic Specialty:
  • Treatment Specialties: click here

earth growth I work with a wide range of clients who present a variety of unique circumstances. Common threads involve individuals who are not reaching their full potential, those who have specific goals they want to achieve, and referrals from physicians, dentists. licensed therapists, and others in the healing arts.

Before accepting a client, I always conduct a ‘no charge’ consultation to discuss  goals and expectations, specific areas of concern, and as well to mutually determine whether we are a good client / hypnotherapist fit. On average, consultations involve 30 minutes.  If it is my professional opinion that hypnotherapy is appropriate to your needs, I will inform you of such.   We can then discuss how to schedule our sessions in a way that best works into your day-to-day life.

Schedule an Appointment

“On referral by my neurologist, I came to Stuart with extreme Stress and Anxiety issues manifesting into physical problems. Through hypnotherapy I’ve been able to dramatically reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on my body. Also, I now have the tools I need to deal with future events.

Stuart is masterful at teaching about the power of the mind-body connection and how it can be used to help you using hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis.

Mine has been an amazing transformation and I have regained my desire to live a full and rich life again.

I highly recommend Stuart!!”      ~ Steve M.

Rates & Insurance


  • Average Session Fee: $175-$225 following the first two sessions. Sessions average 1.5 hours in length.


  • Insurance does not cover the cost of hypnotherapy. Payment is accepted in the form of check or cash.

Please note the cancellation policy. I require a minimum of 24 hours advance notice of any appointment cancellation. Missed appointments, without advance notice, will require payment in full for the cost of the missed session. Exceptions are made for unexpected illness.